1. Projects
• Program for affected by the disease Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
• Program for relatives of patients of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
2. CREATION OF EQUIPMENT that gives visibility to those affected and their families
• We want to create a link that a patient of ALS team up with a dog and his guide, we want to know the disease and take it wherever we are … We want to put face and name to the people who suffer it. The sick of ALS and their relatives live a daily race of effort and sacrifice, of struggle and surrender … We want to join efforts, we want to be one; In short, we want to fight with “ELAlma” (In Spanish means The Soul). At this moment we have 28 Teams trained at this moment.
• The action «Patas por la ELA» (In Spanish means paws for ALS): are sports teams and their dog together with those affected by ELA and their families. Maintaining contact throughout the training sessions and competitions up to the level of commitment that both want to acquire. It’s about getting them to be a single team that they feel and enjoy together at every moment. And so continue in the spirit of struggle and dissemination against this disease.
3. EVENTS “PatasPorLaElA”- Mogena Challenge
• The main objective of the events that we organize is the fundraising for the investigation of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) disease through the “Redela” investigation.
• We bring to the general public education, awareness and responsible tenure of animals in our society and good practice when doing sports or different activities with them.
• We attach great importance to children’s participation since they are the future of our society. Educating them in respect towards animals and nature.
• Through this initiative we give visibility to the Animal and Humanity Program, bringing all people closer to the different Actions thanks to the collaboration with the different public administrations.
4. Contents:
• Events “Patasporlaela”/Mogena Challenge: demonstrations, sports races of different categories, workshops, sports events of different disciplines, talks etc. These events take place on specific dates.

Fernando Mogena is no longer with us and ELA is free of her in August 2016. This program was born with him.


In memory of my friend and companion Fernando Mogena……….Thank you for reminding me to live now, time and life made me forget…….
Israel González García
Director Técnico Oficina IAA-URJC